The main reason that I enjoyed my repoman career is plain and simple – FREEDOM. I liked being able to make my own hours. Sure, if a lender scheduled a voluntary repossession at 7:00 p.m. on a Friday night, I had to be there to get the car picked up. However, if I really had to, I could often schedule it for an earlier or later time the same day. But, for the most part, my time was my time. If there was something I had to do or someplace I had to be, I could make it happen. I took lunch when I was hungry, and taking a break or a day off was basically up to me. When I was out working, I could visit a friend for an hour or two or even three. I could make as many phone calls as I wanted to while cruising around in my wrecker, minus an unbearable boss breathing down my neck. To be honest, it was kind of like getting paid to hang out, as long I repossessed the cars I had repo assignments on. I can even recall a few times where I made a weekend vacation out of repossessing cars. One time in particular – when the lenders would actually pay investigative and stakeout fees – I spent time camping with my family and also fit in stalking a debtor. In fact, it was another auto repossession business owner that had nine wreckers up for repossession. All of his wreckers were assigned to his repossession agents, and they would oftentimes come to home base on the weekends.  His office was about five hours away from my office, but just a few minutes away from the lovely campground where I had pitched my tent. After several camping trips over a month’s time, I was able to get all of his wreckers picked up – four of them with keys, followed by talking him out of the other five. Again, FREEDOM is reason #1 for why I liked being a repoman.