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  • DOT Regulations

    DOT Regulations

    DOT Compliance and the Repo Man
    Your repossession business is busy! Securing debtor vehicles, gaining new customers, managing condition reports, updating and keeping current customers happy, making payroll, maintaining your fleet, and paying the bills are a few of the many things that repo companies have to deal with on a daily basis. As a natural result, important items tend to go on the “back burner” as you try to keep you head above water. Unfortunately DOT compliance often becomes one...
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  • DOT Regulations
    by BRADMIN
    DOT Compliance and the Repo Man
    Your repossession business is busy! Securing debtor vehicles, gaining new customers, managing condition reports, updating and keeping current customers happy, making payroll, maintaining your fleet, and paying the bills are a few of the many things that repo companies have to deal with on a daily basis. As a natural result, important items tend to go on the “back burner” as you try to keep you head above water. Unfortunately DOT compliance often becomes one...
    12-28-2018, 11:07 PM